Monday, January 18, 2016

Trials and Blessings

There are countless blessings that accompany our infertility journey. Last year, Steven got a 35% raise at work, and a month later, our prescriptions began. The cost of medicine was the exact amount of additional income SteveN earned. Coincidence or Blessing?
Since I was 18 years old, I've wanted a church calling in the Young Women program. In the middle of our trial, I was called to be the Camp Director and served with amazing leaders who have since become my newest bestest friends. Coincidence or Blessing?
And most importantly. Support from family and friends. Each and every text and message fills me with courage to face my fears. Childhood friends, cousins, college roommates, Bunco friends, church friends all message me with good thoughts and concern. I appreciate and love each one of you! I'm amazed at how many people think to pray and fast for us! I can't thank you enough! 
Along our infertility journey we've tried numerous options and we are at the end: IVF. I'm so thankful for modern medicine. I'm grateful for advanced technology and science and the most amazing staff at UCRM that's blessing us with this opportunity. 
Isn't our embryo just the cutest, sweetest thing you've ever seen?! Ok well for most of you probably not because you have your own cute kiddos. But this is my very own and the closest I've ever had to a baby, so I think it's pretty great!
Our infertility journey is not over! We don't know if I'm pregnant! We know all is well with everything so far. So now we wait! 
If I've made our infertility journey sound easy, I'll let you in on the dirty secrets too: 
1. That's just ONE week of shots in my belly (duration 3 weeks)
2. Side effects of the shots: bloating, nausea, acne, bruises, emotional wreck
3. Time spent at UCRM clinic for blood draws and vaginal ultrasounds is about 10 hours per week including driving time
4. The stress, fear, anxiety of hoping this works! 

And if all goes well with this round, a female doctor transferred the embryo into me, so I could basically say I was knocked up by a girl! Ha! 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Dear Baby

Dear baby, 
We've been patiently enduring infertility fun-ness for 4 years. I already know you're stubborn, it's inevitable because both of us are. But can you be a little less stubborn and put in a good word to God that we are READY for you?!
It's breaking my heart each month you're not in my belly. I know you're worth the wait. My patience is running out. 
Each month you're not in my belly, our wallets are almost empty. You would not believe how expensive prescriptions are and office visits and treatments can be! Thankfully, we are both extremely blessed with amazing jobs that we are able to pay for it all out of pocket. 
You're torturing me with all the shots we have to take. I am terrified of shots. But I'll keep trying to be brave because I want you here!

It's been a long journey trying to get you here. So please be healthy and happy. We can't hardly wait to take care of you, and hold you and love you! We look forward learning and growing with you as you get older! We can't wait to meet you, please come soon!

Betsy and Steven (your crazy future parents)

P.S. Your future dad is already working on his dad jokes, so beware!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Never forget

Photo credit: Dan Pascal 
As I left for school, the news was broadcasting about a plane hitting the World Trade Center. How odd, I thought. By the time I got to school, the second plane had hit the other tower. Shit just got real. Confusion and curiosity flooded my thoughts: how could this have happened? Why? Who would have done this? Being in school, I was unaware of the tragedy taking place at the time, the thousands of lives lost. 
I was called down to the school office in the middle of the day, a phone call from my mom, saying my brother was safe, our bishop had spoken with his mission president and all missionaries were safe and accounted for. 
It wasn't until that phone call, that I realized how serious the events from the morning were. I was saddened and worried for New York City. 
The images from the news that afternoon after school, will forever be seered in my brain: people jumping from the falling buildings. Firefighters covered overwhelmingly in debris. The blood. The fear in eyes. 
All missionaries in New York City were allowed to call home that night. I will never forget hearing the devastation and desperation in my brothers voice. 
I don't know the number of people that died that day or the exact times the towers were hit and when they fell. I don't remember many details of the other two hijacked planes. 
But I will never forget the confusion, the compassion, sympathy, fear and devastation I felt in my heart for New York  City and our nation on 9/11/01. 
I'm so grateful for the brave firefighters, police officers, and military that served that day and serve today. They are selfless and courageous. My brother has been a firefighter since his mission. 
Each anniversary of that awful day, I am struck with the emotions I felt that day, but I stand proud and patriotic and thankful for those that serve our great nation. I love you brother, you're a hero!

Monday, September 7, 2015


Married for 4 years. Together, we enjoy long walks (minus the Mosquitos), time with family and friends, and Netflix. 
Steven is a Senior Sys. Admin. for Extra Space Storage. Basically, he is an extremely smart and talented computer guru. He is hilarious, kind, generous, and respectful. He enjoys playing video games and fishing. 
I work at South Davis Recreation Center coordinating youth sports. I love reading, running, hiking, and cleaning. 
We have fun together and keep each other laughing. He is my happy.